Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Horseback riding in Tuscany and touring in Greve in Chianti

A cloudy day today, but no rain. We started our morning with a beautiful trail ride in Tuscany. Lornna and Tom on jump horses, Karen on a trail horse and I on a french race horse. They were all obviously well-retired from their previous careers as they did well riding nose to tail.  Still fun - and has me planning a future adventure on faster horses with a desire to go much further (Dewayne? Mark? Chris? Deb?)

After our ride we drove to Greve in Chianti. Yep, a town named after Tom! We definately did some shopping and had a reasonable lunch in Greve. Tom ordered a seafood salad. (Picture below). I thankfully ordered pasta.

After our tour of Greve (the shops begam closing for their afternoon break) we headed to Panzano. We met a lively man who owned the Accademia del Buon Gusto. He introduced us to several different wines (8 to be exact). Lornna also danced with the olive oil....basically ita movimg around alot to warm up the olive oil). We walked away with lighter wallets and heavier bags!

Tonight is a night in. We stopped at the local coop. Picked up sandwich stuff. And have settled in.

Tomorrow we make pasta!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely - horses and a town named after you? What a trip! And I think that salad looks fabulous.
